The National Network and Solutions-Generator for Caregivers in the Performing Arts + Media.

PAAL Partnerships: Funds, Stipends, Logistics
Parent Artist Advocacy League partners with various organizations around the country to help develop or maintain childcare funds, stipends, and logistical support for their contributors. Because childcare support creates access, these organizations are committed to making childcare support a budget line item to ensure those with caregiver responsibilities are better supported when contributing to their missions.
We are engaged in the "Radical Parent Inclusion Project" (RPI) with The Playwrights Realm
2019-2020 PAAL Partner Funds, Stipends, and Logistics
From StateraArts National Conference Page: "The Statera National Conference is a families-welcome space! This year, we are working in close partnership with the Parent Artist Advocacy League (PAAL) to make sure our parents have what they need at conference. We know that many theatre artists, particularly women, are juggling their professional lives with the needs of their families (we can relate!) To help ensure that you won't need to choose between attending the conference and caring for your little ones, we will have a Family Room* available for any attendees needing to bring their infants or small children with them to conference. This room will be equipped with private space for nursing and pumping and plenty of room for little ones to get the "wiggles" out! Attendees may bring their small children into the sessions with them as they see fit. Also, please feel free to breastfeed in any of the sessions." Read more...
PAAL Chapter Cities are proud to partner with the national StateraArts Mentorship Program, including in Chicago, Philadelphia, and NYC! If you have caregiver needs - including lactation space, mother's helper, childcare, or others - that must be met in order to attend mentorship events or opportunities, please fill out this form no later than 36 hours prior to the event, and PAAL will find the best support available for your circumstances and location.
From The Playwrights Realm RPI page: "Seizing on The Playwrights Realm’s core value of reflecting the full spectrum of humanity, The Radical Parent-Inclusion Project (RPI) aims to confront the challenges of working parents in the performing arts by applying best practices of support within every facet of our Off-Broadway production of Mothers...The Realm has partnered with Parent Artist Advocacy League for the Performing Arts (PAAL), a national resource hub and network for individual parent-artists, caregivers, and institutions to create points of parent-access and implement RPI. The Realm’s Producing Director Roberta Pereira and PAAL Founder Rachel Spencer Hewitt will act as Project Leaders." Read more...
Parent Artist Advocacy League proudly partners with Theatre Philadelphia to sponsor childcare for their selected nominators and adjudicators for the prestigious Barrymore Awards. Leadership and nomination, adjudication and recognition, these factors all impact the theatre and its sustainability. Often, the individuals who play these crucial roles in the awards process are invisible – and even more so, their caregiving needs go unnoticed as well. Read more...
Parent Artist Advocacy League proudly partners with 4 Flights Up Festival at Access Theater to generate support where possible for its contributors and participants. PAAL commits to actively finding solutions and creating support for 4FAF artists with caregiver responsibilities as our resources allow and invite any artist in 4FAF with childcare or adult caregiver concerns to engage with us openly to connect with a community of solutions and support. Read more...
In addition to the PAAL National Childcare Grants listed here, PAAL has also initiated its first PAAL Chapter Grants , which are awarded to individuals and/or institutions in qualified PAAL Chapter Cities and supported by local PAAL Membership. Each PAAL Chapter City has its own diverse array of opportunity, community, and grants. Individuals and institutions may apply for PAAL National Grants and PAAL Chapter Grants simultaneously in so far as they qualify.
PAAL National Childcare Grants are grants for institutions and individuals awarded throughout the year to provide financial assistance for artists and administrators of all disciplines throughout the country.
We have also compiled a list of additional outside childcare grants and family-friendly residencies for writers and artists around the country.
Select below to learn more about: