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PAAL Grants

Conference Partners

It's time to make attending conferences family inclusive. These partners agree and are working with PAAL to create family access to their events. PAAL Recommended!




For the 2022 LMDA Conference, PAAL is joining on as a partner to coordinate and provide caregiver stipends for conference attendees to help off-set the cost of care for artists with family responsibilities who wish to attend.

The application below is for stipend designation.

We understand the dilemma of parenting/caregiving + time to apply for support. 

>>> This application should take fewer than 10 minutes* to complete. It's mostly check boxes to fly through.
*uninterrupted time estimation. We understand uninterrupted time is a unicorn. (Does it even exist?) This is just to help you strategize.

July 30 or when funds are all distributed. 

Past Grant Recipients
 PAAL Institution Childcare Match Grant Fund Recipients 
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2020-2021 PAAL National Childcare Grants 



Individual Childcare Grants: A parent-artist or artist with a full-time adult dependent/elder care responsibilities creating in the United States seeking funding for childcare or elder care while engaging in artistic and/or administrative projects or professional development. Union membership not required. All theatrical disciplines and administrative positions are eligible to apply for these grants. Pregnant parent artists, artists in late stages of the adoption process, and/or current full-time foster caregivers are welcome and qualified to apply.


Institution Childcare Match Grants: an organization, institution, or company with a performing arts focus committed to matching our $250 grant with a minimum of $250 as a budget line item to total $500 in childcare stipend for an individual or group within their organization, institution, or company.


While the application has multiple questions in order to create a thorough profile of need, many questions are multiple choice and check-box and there are no long-form cover letters or answers require. We recognize that time is a limited resource for many artists, especially those with caregiving responsibilities, and hope that our form’s efficiency alleviates some of that obstacle to make this grant application more accessible.


When hitting “submit” on your application, it will be saved and received. You will then receive an email confirmation of submission with a button to “edit response.” You may edit your application as many times as needed until applications close on Nov. 6, 2019. We will only review the final submissions after the closing date.


Applications for INDIVIDUAL GRANTS are closed. 2019-2020 applications will open September 6, 2019.  Subscribe  to be the first to hear about it.

Applications for INSTITUTION MATCH GRANT are closed. 2019-2020 applications will open September 6, 2019.  Subscribe  to be the first to hear about it.


In addition to the PAAL National Childcare Grants listed here, PAAL has also initiated its first  PAAL Chapter Grants , which are awarded to individuals and/or institutions in qualified PAAL Chapter Cities and supported by local PAAL Membership. Each PAAL Chapter City has its own diverse array of opportunity, community, and grants. Individuals and institutions may apply for PAAL National Grants and PAAL Chapter Grants simultaneously in so far as they qualify.

 PAAL Partner Funds + Stipends  are Childcare Funds that we build in partnership with organizations to make childcare support available to their contributors and participants for increased access.

We have also compiled a list of  outside childcare grants and family-friendly residencies for writers and artists around the country.

Select below to learn more about:

PAAL National Childcare Grants

Outside Grants


“The Sustainable Arts Foundation is a non-profit foundation supporting artists and writers with families. Our mission is to provide financial awards to parents pursuing creative work...Too often, creative impulses are set aside to meet the wonderful, but pressing, demands of raising a family. The foundation’s goal is to encourage parents to continue pursuing their creative passion, and to rekindle it in those who may have let it slide.” For artists and writers | Learn more...


"50 hours, Work Period only with childcare stipend | The grant addresses some of the needs of NYC choreographers/performance makers who are trying to meet the challenges of being an artist and a parent to newborn through pre-school age (0-4) children." Learn more...

Family-Friendly Residencies


Abrons Arts Center

New York, NY
Abrons Arts Center, a program of Henry Street Settlement in New York City, is again offering their AIRspace for Parent Artists, a six-week summer residency with a generous artist stipend and free summer arts camp for their child.


San Antonio, TX
Artpace will once again support parent artists with funds for a flexible array of childcare options.

Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company (BETC)

Boulder, CO
BETC’s Generations program supports the development of plays by parent playwrights selected from a national open competition. Started in 2014, the program provides a one-week residency to work with a director, dramaturg, and cast in order to develop the winning script; the playwright also receives prize money, a child care stipend, travel, lodging, and a per diem.

Brooklyn Arts Exchange (BAX)

Brooklyn, NY
The Parent-Artist Space Grant, established in 2012, offers dedicated studio space and professional support for the artist, as well as a child care stipend and discounted (or free) BAX performing arts classes for residents’ children.

Collar Works

Granville, NY
The Elizabeth Murray Artist Residency by Collar Works will support five parent artists with a flexible stipend and a fully kid-friendly, week-long residency located in bucolic upstate New York.


Miami, FL
The Fountainhead Residency, in Miami, is hosting a new one-month residency for three BIPOC mother artists who will attend as a cohort while their families stay home, supported by a generous child care stipend.

Gallery Aferro

Newark, NJ
Gallery Aferro will offer two parent artists of color a six-month residency with a dedicated studio space, stipend, and opportunities for public exhibition or promotion of their work.

Kala Art Institute

Berkeley, CA
Kala is in its ninth year of offering a Parent Artist Residency Program and is now also adding a new, longer Fellowship Residency for a parent artist. Both awards include studio residencies, classes, children’s art camps, and professional development consultations.

Maggie Allesee National Center for Choreography (MANCC)

Tallahassee, FL
The Maggie Allesee National Center for Choreography (MANCC), at the Florida State University School of Dance, will offer flexible childcare stipends for parents and their collaborators in the residency program.

Mount Tremper Arts

Mount Tremper, NY
Mount Tremper Arts will offer two one-week residencies with childcare and travel stipends for parent performance artists or ensembles who create contemporary works of art.

Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing

Aquinnah, MA
MVICW offers an intensive workshop and supportive community for writers at all stages. Their Parent Writer Fellowship, established in 2016, covers tuition and lodging, plus a stipend to assist with child care at home while the writer is in residence.

Movement Research

New York, NY
Movement Research will offer two New York City-based parent artists an artist residency including generous rehearsal time, free classes, a stipend, and childcare support.

SPACE on Ryder Farm

Brewster, NY
Since 2015, SPACE on Ryder Farm has been setting aside two weeks every summer for a vibrant, family-inclusive residency. It’s a thoughtful program that beautifully addresses the needs of both parents and children.

Wassaic Project

Wassaic, NY
Wassaic will host three 2-week residencies with a stipend and generous, flexible support for artists attending with their families.

Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow

Eureka Springs, AR
The Writer’s Colony at Dairy Hollow offers a simple, flexible opportunity called the My Time Fellowship, a subsidized, one-week residency plus stipend for a writer with children.


The Harrisville Atelier for Theatre, Creation and Hypothesis (HATCH) at the Schoolhouse brings female-identified and non-binary artists to bucolic southern New Hampshire to begin development on a new piece of theatre. Learn more...


“All family residents (parents and children) will take part in three communal farm-fresh meals daily. SPACE will facilitate creative and nature-focused programming for the children, culminating in an informal group share. Simultaneously SPACE supports the adult artists by creating an environment with structured time and space to create (as well as structured time and space to be with their children). The response from residents and the larger community has been resoundingly positive and the high demand for this program has compelled SPACE to expand the residency in 2017, making a second week available to more families…” – SPACE on Ryder Farm Family Residency | Learn more...

Outside Grants
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